AQPC MODEL No: 1021 “AQPC” ALUMINIUM Self Supporting Type Economy Tower Ladder with extension made out of Extruded, Tested Quality Hindalco make ALUMINIUM Section of size 66mm(2.5/8”)x31mm(1.1/4”)x3mm (1/8”) thick approx. with steps made of 25mm (1”) dia approx. fluited ALUMINIUM pipe at required distance of 12” (300mm) containing M.S.Pulley, good quality Sisal/Nylon rope, self locking arrangements and fitted with 2 Nos solid rubber wheels on one side and 2 Nos. rubber shoes at other side to make the Laadder easily moveable and sturdy, when at work, complete with handle, railing and a safety ring at the top for safety of workers. The width of the Outer Ladder is not less than 300mm. SIZE:-When Closed---------16ft When Extended--------------28ft
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